The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates with obvious success indicators such as winning the Nobel Prize, being accepted for research fellowships and holding positions at top universities.


H - index Zašto H–indeks? U istraživačkoj zajednici postoji stalna potreba da se uspostave kriterijumi za vrednovanje naučne produkcije pojedinačnih istraživača, univerziteta, institucija, kao i samog naučnog izdavaštva.

och humaniora, är avsevärt mycket större jämfört med Web of Science och Scopus. E Calikus, S Nowaczyk, A Sant'Anna, H Gadd, S Werner. Applied Energy 252, 113409, 2019. 26*, 2019. Declarative knowledge-based reconfiguration of  SJR acts as an alternative to the Journal Impact Factor (or an average number of citations received in last 2 years). This journal has an h-index of 13. The best  Web of science; Scopus; Google Scholar När du tar fram ditt eller någon annans h-index, är det viktigt att också veta i vilken databas det är  Två vanliga källor för information om tidskrifters impact factor är: Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Scopus Sources.

Scopus h index

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Därför kan en forskare ha olika H-index i Web of Science, Scopus och Google Scholar. För vetenskapsområden där det är tillämpligt ska med hjälp av Web of Science, Scopus eller Google Scholar ett H-index samt det antal publikationer och citat  The publication data comes from Scopus. Universities with broad educational offerings normally score higher than specialized ones. four indicators: Academic reputation, Employer reputation and Citations per publication and h-index. The journal is abstracted and indexed in Scopus and the Science Citation as a weighting factor, it does not cater to the major disadvantages of the h-index  på mitt eget namn: DiVA: 213 H-index: 11 Scopus: 80 Sondera: 53 Swepub: 161 EBSCO: 324 i10-index: 14 Artikelsök: 77 Google Books: 637  Visa Scopus-profil Google Scholar, he has been cited over 20,000 times and he has an h-index over 50. Toivonen, H., dec 2020, I : Physics of Life Reviews.

Journal H-index Calculator. Md Asadul Islam; PDF | This is the updated SCOPUS-Indexed Journal List for 2018. In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.

Web of Science och Scopus motsvarande tjänster är att Google täcker in h-index och i10 index. h-index försöker mäta både produktivitet och 

The average citation per document was 2.2 with the h-index  Alla databaser; Web of Science Core Collection; Biosis Citation Index; Citation Citation of China Scientific Editions. Citation och H-Index Report Citatrapporten  Forskares publikationer och h-index i olika referensdatabaser (Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar); De mest citerade publikationerna (tidskriftsartiklar)  Tittar man på LTU-publikationer i Scopus, WoS och jämför med vad som är lagt in En forskare med index h har alltså publicerat h antal papers som var och en  h -Index av en författare med 14 publikationer: Publikationerna är ordnade i I: Förhandsgranskning av Scopus - Scopus - Författarinformation. As per Scopus, his total citations are 4783 with an h-index of 35. As per Google Scholar, his total citations are 6631 with h-index of 41 and i10-index of 126.

How to use Scopus to calculate your h-index Scopus is an abstract and citation database that has stored and analyzed millions of publications including journal articles, as well as conference proceedings and books. Scopus is a subscription-based service, but when you are on the campus network, you probably have access to it.

Scopus h index

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. H index Total Docs.

Scopus h index

Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. H index Total Docs. (2019) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2019) Metrics based on Scopus® data as of April 2020.
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Scopus h index

h-index i jämförelser Om det finns flera poster med ditt namn kan du be Scopus att foga ihop dem till en enda. Välj de författarposter som ska fogas ihop, klicka request to merge authors och följ instruktionerna. 4.

Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. Scopus Indexed Social Sciences Journals E-ISSN P-ISSN Source Title 1545-7230 : 1042-9670: Academic Psychiatry 2021-04-20 · NOTE: An individual's h-index may be very different in different databases. This is because the databases index different journals and cover different years.
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SCOPUS H-INDEXED JOURNALS · Statistical Modelling: 35 · Progress in Development Studies: 34 · Young: 25 · Contributions to Indian Sociology: 24 · Science, 

(2019) Metrics based on Scopus® data as of April 2020. Developed by: Powered by: Follow us on @ScimagoJR The Scopus H-Index 2020-2021 is 3.0. More H-Index Analysis, Trend, Ranking & Prediction. How the h-index in Scopus is calculated and where to find it are popular topics; in fact, an older post about the h-index continues to be among our top viewed and shared content.

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7 Nov 2020 H-index scores between 3 and 5 seem common for new assistant professors, scores between 8 and 12 fairly standard for promotion to the 

His present h-index is 90 (Scopus; Web of science 82). In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Andersson was on the list of highly cited researchers.