toemission (ARPES) measurements on the single-layer FeSe/ SrTiO 3 films at various carrier concentrations. At a very low carrier concentration, the spectral weight near the Fermi level is suppressed, accompanied with the opening of an insulating energy gap. When the carrier concentration increases, the spectral


ARPES on Electronic Structure and Superconductivity of FeSe /SrTiO 3 Films Xingjiang ZHOU (周兴江) National Lab for Superconductivity Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Strong Correlations and Unconventional Superconductivity: Towards a Conceptual Framework , 2014/09/22--26, KITP, Santa Barbara

This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. 2017-10-20 Here, we report high resolution angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) results which reveal an unexpected and unique characteristic of the 1UC FeSe/STO system: each energy band of the FeSe film is almost exactly replicated at a fixed energy separation. 2017-05-08 2017-07-01 We report high resolution ARPES measurements of detwinned FeSe single crystals. The application of a mechanical strain is used to promote the volume fraction of one of the orthorhombic domains in the sample, which we estimate to be 80% detwinned.

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*Corresponding author: investigations [8–12] have revealed a 50 meV splitting at This quantitatively accurate model of FeSe is then used to predict a large temperature dependence of the chemical potential within this system, which we confirm via ARPES measurements. We then modify this tight binding model to account for the C4 symmetry breaking effect of the nematic phase of FeSe, which occurs below Ts = 90 K. In fact, high resolution measurements of the electronic structure of FeSe by ARPES at beamline I05 at Diamond have previously made several important experimental contributions to the understanding 2020-01-31 · FeSe is an unusual FeSC that exhibits nematicity without long range magnetic order. On one hand it provides a unique opportunity to disentangle the effect of nematicity on the electronic structure from that of magnetism; while on the other it provides a test case to gauge whether the isolated long range nematic order is qualitatively similar to that of other FeSCs where the two orders are We present a systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the superconducting gap in FeSe. The gap function is determined in a full Brillouin zone including all Fermi surfaces and kz-dependence. We find significant anisotropy of the superconducting gap in all momentum directions.

2015-09-08 ARPES and inelastic neutron spectra measured on twinned and detwinned FeSe [15, 46, 66]. (a) ARPES spectra taken along the Γ - M direction on a twinned FeSe.

We present the results of extended theoretical LDA+DMFT calculations for a new iron-pnictide high temperature superconductor NaFeAs compared with the recent high quality angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on this system (see arXiv:1409.1537). The universal manifestation of correlation effects in iron-pnictides is narrowing of conducting bands near the Fermi level. Our

(c),(d) ARPES spectra taken on detwinned FeSe along the Γ−M X and Γ−M Y directions, respectively. (e),(f) EDCs taken at the momentum pointed to by arrows in (b)–(d). All measurements are taken with 70 eV photons under odd polarization with respect to the cut direction.

We report high resolution ARPES measurements of detwinned FeSe single crystals. The application of a mechanical strain is used to promote the volume fraction of one of the orthorhombic domains in the sample, which we estimate to be 80% detwinned. While the full structure of the electron pockets consisting of two crossed ellipses may be observed in the tetragonal phase at temperatures above 90

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While the full structure of the electron pockets consisting of two crossed ellipses may be observed in the tetragonal phase at temperatures above 90 In this paper, to our knowledge, we report the first observation of an insulator–superconductor crossover in the iron-based superconductors by performing systematic angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements on the single-layer FeSe/SrTiO 3 films at various carrier concentrations. At a very low carrier concentration, the spectral The observation of replica bands in single-unit-cell FeSe on SrTiO3 (STO)(001) by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has led to the conjecture that the coupling between FeSe Phase diagram of FeSe 1 − x S x and the suppression of electronic correlations by S substitution. (a) The ARPES map of the high-symmetry cut through top of the Brillouin zone for the tetragonal phase of FeSe 1 − x S x (x = 0, 0.18, 1) at 56–69 eV, together with a calculated slice for FeS in (b). The solid line indicates the cuts used Recent ARPES results show that after FeSe films enter the high-T c phase via surface K dosing, the electron correlation anomalously increases upon further doping, and eventually, an insulating phase emerges .

Arpes fese

2017-05-08 2017-07-01 We report high resolution ARPES measurements of detwinned FeSe single crystals. The application of a mechanical strain is used to promote the volume fraction of one of the orthorhombic domains in the sample, which we estimate to be 80% detwinned. While the full structure of the electron pockets consisting of two crossed ellipses may be observed in the tetragonal phase at temperatures above 90 2020-03-03 2018-06-05 2015-07-15 In this Nature paper, T. Shimojima (RIKEN CEMS) et al. use time-resolved ARPES to visualize the ultrafast dynamics of electronic nematicity in FeSe. By probing detwinned crystals with different linear polarizations of their pulsed laser system (250 fs time resolution), they can selectively observe xz and yz orbital electrons. This book mainly focuses on the study of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212) and single-layer FeSe film grown on SrTiO3 (STO) substrate by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES).
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ARPES: schematic Fermi surfaces of FeSe –3D Tetragonal phase: smaller pockets and band renormalisations. Nematic phase: the hole pocket distorts, one elongated electron pocket seen by ARPES. DFT calculation We report high resolution ARPES measurements of detwinned FeSe single crystals. The application of a mechanical strain is used to promote the volume fraction of one of the orthorhombic domains in the sample, which we estimate to be 80% detwinned.

Bulk FeSe is an iron-based superconductor that has a maximum Tc of 8K.
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ARPES: schematic Fermi surfaces of FeSe –3D Tetragonal phase: smaller pockets and band renormalisations. Nematic phase: the hole pocket distorts, one elongated electron pocket seen by ARPES. DFT calculation

One-ellipse effect preceding SDW in … High-resolution ARPES study of FeSe superconductors 著者 PHAN Giao Ngoc number 82 学位授与機関 Tohoku University 学位授与番号 理博第3147号 Two recent ARPES studies have found a gap in single-layer FeSe/STO, which closes at 65 K and suggests a possible record high superconducting transition temperature (T c) of 65 K for FeHTSs FeSeZhou2 (); FeSeTan (); or at least, it is the pair-formation temperature record, if the superconducting transition there is a two dimensional Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type. 2021-02-17 High‐temperature superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface Yuan‐Yuan Xiang, Fa wang, DA Wang, Qiang‐Hua Wang, and Dong‐Hai Lee. Phys.

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1. Heterostructure Design and in- situ ARPES study.